I discovered the Internet when I completed high school and started my days in college back in 1997. I was in awe with World Wide Web and I thought email was the most awesome thing. I love sending cute e-greeting cards. Those were the days of receiving and forwarding emails of articles and jokes. Birthdays, Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Christmas in the coming years was never the same again. No more greeting cards and the loss of that personal touch of handwritten cards with cute drawings and personal wishes.
Then there's the birth of instant messaging service such as IRC(Internet Relay Chat). Internet cafes or more widely known as 'CC' (Cyber Cafe) can be found at any nook and corner in town. Spending time in CC until late nights are common routine for students and a new universal 'language' is formed. LOL, BRB, GTG and TC are used as a short form and Emoticons such as :-), ;-) or ;p are ways for us to express our feelings on-line. We 'meet' the most 'handsome' man and 'sexy', 'cool' girls on-line and we feel that we are as cool and as good-looking as them. I got my first Motorola mobile phone a short while later and SMS(Short Messaging Service) doesn't help to improve our communication. Young generation nowadays are automatically born into the 'texting' language and many could not appreciate the beautiful handwriting and language. Can you spot what's wrong in the email below? ;)
The introduction of Facebook has created a phenomenon that changed the world. Social network is a communication tool between a group of people in an application over the Internet. There are people who joined the social network to communicate with friends and family. There are people who connects for professional purposes and some connects to find their life partner. The early years of social networking has started from MySpace, Friendster but Facebook has changed the world with its easy-to-use and fun, appealing features.Individualistic, selfishness and social network addiction are the new generation's 'disease' in our society. New social rules arise. Are you still friends off-line when you have 'unfriended' a friend on Facebook? How do you tell your grandmother that we are all invited to a wedding, when she has not received the wedding invitation card or personal call or visit from the host?
What do you think?Have we lost our humanity in the advances of technology? Watch this video and share with me your views, if you Like.. ;-)
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